Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Y - Yarn Bombing

Yarn Bombing is a sort of street art but not the most popular or recognised, it is basically where artists or groups of artists knit or crotchet colourful patterns in wool and create art on the street with them. Believe it or not wrapping material around things on the street is actually illegal but Im sure you wouldnt be prosecuted vigorously for it. While other forms of graffiti may be vandalism yarn bombing was originally almost exclusively about reclaiming and personalizing public places. Since starting this art form has actually spread worldwide and people even set up public events for this sort of thing in legal areas. My favourite of these is either the bridge or the turtle, the bridge because I can see its been done by a lot of people which shows there is a lot of unity in this work I think that is nice and its on a public bridge so it is shared with everyone to see its beauty and the turtle because he looks like hes wrapped in like a large doily.

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